DEEP IMPACT into reality..

The Earth was a peaceful place for dinosaurs roaming on land enjoying their lives,but one day BAMB!!!!!. They had a very bad day, an Asteroid hits the plant and everything got vanished ..soo sad... Once a while every movie maker thinks of making movie where the Earth gets destroyed either by zombies or alien attack and most commonly by an upcoming Asteroid . They could not had ever imagined in their wildest dream that it might change into a reality.Don’t think hard... you are guessing the correct one.Yes,I am talking about the movie Deep impact and Armageddon.(April) Friday the thirteenth of 2029 is the date we all should be worried about. An Asteroid ( Apophis) is heading towards us. DAMN! you just got excited..So let us be Bruce Willis for a while...grab your drills and rocket and head towards the Asteroid... Is space really so quite ?.. We see space very quite and calm but in reality the picture is very much opposite. You will get shocked t...