Once Again GRAPHENE...
Earlier in my blog I discussed about the idea of a substance and its miracles. The substance that holds the future of human kind. Yes I am talking about the wonder material “Graphene” Remember back in 2013 when we learned Graphene capacitors may make our phone magical. We said some day they will charge in seconds but the idea seems to disappear. It was out there and we knew it was cool but we had trouble making it all in one time or doing things with it so time for an update let me catch you all up. WHAT IS GRAPHENE? Graphene is a one atom thick lattice of carbon atoms its super capacitive, biodegradable, electrical conductive, two hundred times stronger than steel, can take pretty much any shape and is ultra light. It’s been theorized to clean up nuclear waste easily filter salt from sea water, could make ridiculous headphones, is bio compatible meaning to hook up right up to biological cells, reads cyborg what else... right . It can help to make space elevator rea...