WARP DRIVE...travelling faster than light..

We all know that nothing can travel faster than light; it is the universal speed limit in space. The 299 792 458 m / s constant is the most famous constant in known universe. In his blog we will see how fast we have to go to reach distant star systems, galaxies, etc. The fastest man made machine (voyager 1) is travelling at 62,140 km/h which is very slow as compared to universal grand scale. It will take approx 4 light years just to reach our nearest star system Alpha Centauri . So going galactic is beyond our imagination. Matter of fact is that going at the speed of light won’t make us reach places in universal scale light speed is also slow as compared to the ever expanding universe. Let me introduce you to warp drive. The ability to manipulate space is the most important concept in regard to warp speed i.e. contracting space in front of the spaceship and expanding it at the back, it won’t violate the cosm...