
Carbon Capturing...

The world declining towards the global warming mainly due to extreme CO2 released in air approx.1 billion tonnes annually ( took  YouTube for reference) which  gets added up every year while we wait for future technologies to step in and start controlling the mess we have created. So now what is carbon engineering? It simply means sucking carbon dioxide out of air and sending it either under the ground from where it came in the first place or making alternative fuels that has approx90%less carbon emission. Large propellers or fans suck the air inside which goes through various chemical process and separates the carbon out of the air but one can wonder why don’t we plant trees instead, well the mess we have created will require a millions of trees plus the increase in population and the land getting used up, it will be difficult to do so. Companies like carbon engineering claims that their single carbon plants can remove CO2 from air that would require 40 mill...

WARP DRIVE...travelling faster than light..

We all know that nothing can travel faster than light; it is the universal speed limit in space. The  299 792 458 m / s   constant is the most famous constant in known universe.   In his blog we will see how fast we have to go to reach distant star systems, galaxies, etc. The fastest man made machine (voyager 1) is travelling at  62,140 km/h   which is very slow as compared to universal grand scale. It will take approx 4 light years just to reach our nearest star system Alpha Centauri . So going galactic is beyond our imagination. Matter of fact is that going at the speed of light won’t make us reach places in universal scale light speed is also slow as compared to the ever expanding universe. Let me introduce you to warp drive. The ability to manipulate space is the most important concept in regard to warp speed i.e. contracting space in front of the spaceship and expanding it at the back, it won’t violate the cosm...


All the hot rod ideas and mission going on to colonize mars are like volcanoes now a days. Since the beginning this Red (due to iron oxide on its surface) planet is like crazingly famous for humans to live. It has been a part of our culture for very long time. Various ideological movies and the recently MARTIAN which is considered as one of the most apt and correct sci-fi movie ever created making us see how life on mars could be like . So all the mark watney out there be prepared to get answered ...WHY MARS? Genius Billionaire like Elon Musk already on the way to apply the idea to colonize of mars. All things are just perfect for us to be inter planetary civilizations and a step closer in becoming type 1 civilization (my previous blog),but have you ever wondered why only mars why not other planets or moons. First thing first missions like Europa ,Titan etc all are going on and they provide a promising future but it will take a lot of time to even study them and we don’t...

Why we haven't seen ALIENS yet? ...

 Hi, there my Space Adventurers this is most important and interesting blog of all my blogs. We humans always have fascination about the idea that we might not be alone in the universe. I myself think that there is life waiting for us to discover them or they discover us or we are not just that advanced yet.  Now, that sounds spooky...well this blog is a bit long.... When scientists see in deep universe they don’t search for planet full of green men floating in the universe, they try to find civilizations. They might be advanced than us, their technologies might be way beyond our imaginations or they might be vulnerable. What classifies an advance species or civilizations .Till date it is considered that we humans are the only superior species and it perhaps true as we haven’t seen any evidence of other life forms in outer space. If we see just the probability of other life forms it is apparent we should be one of the thousands of civilization in the milky way alone an...


Sleeping is one of the best work human can do extremely well ,so prepare yourself to sleep take your teddy and night story book as we are going to sleep all the way to space. Since the movie PASSENGER has released the idea of sleeping pod seems to be real very soon. Space travel takes a very long time and eating or hanging or waiting for snacks might not be the way...For killing time on the way to the red planet. It means being   awake for that long we need to eat, drink and doing all those normal human thing which means bringing a lot of supplies along with us which is not a practical solutions. So here’s the crazy idea why don’t we sleep all the way to the space. So let’s start this weird snoozing way of travelling without the use of fancy chamber or lullaby’s. Typically we sleep for 8 hrs per night or that could vary but various researches in which two volunteer put the sleep duration to the test. They were kept in isolation underground for months in absence of d...

BLACK HOLE as a SPACE fuel...

So I assume till now everyone might have seen the real and original photo of black hole. It really seems like an orange donut...All our expectations and calculations seemed accurate, this evidence can open new doors and is opening new ideas of impossibility. More study and research understanding it can create wonders. How do you feel when I will say we can use black hole to fuel a space craft for our one and only ideal dream of interstellar travel. There are some crazy ideas for space craft propulsion out there but the tops among them must be the idea to power an interstellar craft with a black hole. The black hole is made from light, yes that’s right a black hole which is a resident space where gravity is so strong that all together not even light can escape can itself be made from light theoretically.   Of course the black hole is made up of matter and lots other stellar masses. Black holes are usually formed when giant star goes supernova, leaves a core behind i...

Once Again GRAPHENE...

Earlier in my blog I discussed about the idea of a substance and its miracles. The substance that holds the future of human kind. Yes I am talking about the wonder material  “Graphene” Remember back in 2013 when we learned Graphene capacitors may make our phone magical. We said some day they will charge in seconds but the idea seems to disappear. It was out there and we knew it was cool but we had trouble making it all in one time or doing things with it so time for an update let me catch you all up. WHAT IS GRAPHENE? Graphene is a one atom thick lattice of carbon atoms its super capacitive, biodegradable, electrical conductive, two hundred times stronger than steel, can take pretty much any shape and is ultra light. It’s been theorized to clean up nuclear waste easily filter salt from sea water, could make ridiculous headphones, is bio compatible meaning to hook up right up to biological cells, reads cyborg what else... right . It can help to make space elevator rea...