Age of Quantum Computers.
In physics quantum means behaviour of atomic particles,so ultimately quantum computers gets derived from computers using quantum states of subatomic particles to store data and information. In cool words its awesome science stuff.
How does it works?
While classic computers i.e.present computers are based on binary digits(bits) 0 or1 are slow and retro,quantum computers are based on qubtis(quantum bits)which exist in superposition , which can be protons,ions or electrons and this amazing feature enables it to have 0 or 1 or both at same place and same time.
eg,lets take a password of two spaces while a classical computer will go through each spaces putting the value 0 or 1 one at a time, quantum computers can have both values 0and 1 at the same time ,thus reducing time in finding the password.
Wonders of quantum computers ......
Every year huge sums of important information's gets piled up but we are only being able to interpret 0.05%of them and rest are unknown,due to this we are unaware about much of data loss that could have been a ground breaking discoveries especially in cosmology,astrophysics and research where interpretation of vast and difficult data are required.With help of it a vast information can be handled and interpreted.
Solving extreme problems of astronomical size,information of particle accelerators(LHC ), and ultimately to the big picture of AI(artificial intelligence)one cannot imagine its potentials. Billions of complex calculations in seconds and much more will make classical computers clumsy and slow.
Yet it does’t means that it will replace your classical computer because for simple tasks like watching movie or playing games quantum computers will be much slower .It is designed for complex data and information handling.
Applications of quantum computers....
. Cryptography
. Complex financial modeling
. AI
. Weather forecasting
. Particle physics
. Astrophysics,cosmology
. Medical science,etc.
If we see in reality we are just scratching the surface of quantum computing as its programming is not just basic algorithms, physicist ,engineers and mathematicians are required to write its quantum algorithms.In simple words it is very much complex. Till this time we are finding ways to improve and develop it. Companies like Google,Rigetti,IBMQ are already on their way in research.We are developing quantum chips which is a super conducting chip with normal semiconductor process. The biggest single problem we are facing is to make quantum states of qubits to last longer. But as research continues we will be able to achieve that too.
If we see the progress, we can observe engineers ,technicians ,scientists and huge machines working together which is a similar picture of our initial computers (ENIAC)that were being developed in the past.It seems like time is repeating itself ,but we human are unpredictable and our innovations, ideas and knowledge enables to create the impossible . In past, present technologies like smartphones,laptops,satellites ,supercomputers were not even imagined but yet we invented them.
The big picture is that its impossible to predict the possibilities of what we can achieve and what we can develop with quantum computers .We are on the right track as we have been developing from creating the first computer(Charles Babbage), supercomputers to quantum computers .The unknown is ready to be discovered and impossible is ready to be possible.......the future will be like fiction........
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Excellent job... Keep it up
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